✦ Act I
✦ Act II
Job 7:4
Coda II
Corinthians 13:3
Ephesians 4:32
Corinthians 12:10
Proverbs 21:2
Deuteronomy 11:26
John 14:27
Deuteronomy 28:65
Matthew 24:13

✦ Story

In a small French town, an unusual kind of mass is held: the local priest, Dunant, describes it as “faith healing”, promising those who are suffering will be healed of their ailments with just a single touch of his hands. Ionel, a pianist with albinism, seeks out Dunant‘s miraculous touch. He struggles with his failing eyesight, a condition that could potentially put an end to his career. Something about the priest’s blessing soon strikes him as odd, and so Ionel begins investigating.

Ionel uncovers several clues that draw him deeper into the mystery surrounding Dunant. As he starts to slowly befriend the priest, he finds himself delving further into a world of miracles and curses.

✦ About 

Viv Tanner is a Swiss illustrator based in Vienna and passionate about illustrating characters in atmospheric settings for books, comics, games and more.


Eliot Baum is an illustrator & comic artist located in Austria. They’re experienced in concept art and illustration for books and games with a special focus in comics.


Eliot and Viv have been working on Heart of Gold, their first collaborative comic project, since 2016. They've been working collaboratively and separately on other projects such as Sefirot: A Tarot Board Game or Power & Magic Press's Heartwood anthology.


II - 196 - Heart of Gold - Status
Posted July 19, 2024 at 16:40

Hello everyone! 

Thanks so much for your patience and your questions about the current status of Heart of Gold. It’s been an extremely busy time since we finished volume 2, with ups and downs in our private and professional lives. And sitting down to write this wasn’t easy, but we’ve been sitting on this far too long than we’d have liked, and we apologize for letting you all wait. 

Well, to get straight to the point: Heart of Gold is on an indefinite hiatus. There’s a chance we will return to this project, but right now we are focusing on other areas. Longform comics without a publisher and large funding behind it run at the risk of burnout, and we can now say we’re unfortunately no strangers to that. We’ve had incredible support from our readers and our patrons, much more than we could’ve ever imagined. 

But unfortunately, as it is with webcomics, creativity and funding burns quicker than one might hope, and we ended up deciding to explore other avenues. We’ve always wanted to find our footing in illustration, and ultimately find a healthy balance between work and life without overextending ourselves. 

The workload of a comic can easily be underestimated, and boy, did we underestimate! 

So right now, we’re focusing on growing artistically while also recovering from burnout; on finding ourselves a bit and what we want to create in this world to make it a kinder place. 

We’ve been so grateful for every lovely bit of fanart, comment and financial support we've received from our readers. What started as a passion project found its way to people that returned the love we have for this project, manyfold. Thanks for sharing the excitement for HoG with us, it truly meant and still means the world to us. 

We hope you’ll look forward to other projects we’ll be working on in the future, be it of our own creation or in collaboration with clients!

Eliot & Viv

PS: As for printing plans for Heart of Gold volume 2: There's still plans! Just as mentioned above, no time or space (like, literally. we're drowning in books) to take care of it right now. But we'd love nothing more than to have a companion for volume 1.
